Sunday, June 21, 2009


If this isn't the funniest video I don't know what is.
This shit is so outta pocket!!!
I had to share it with the world.

And whats with the kids in this video? I don't get it!!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Time flies

Hey hey people! It's been so long since I been on here. I been working and working and working. Also, I've been working on this book which, as some of you may know, is extremely time consuming. Spring cleaning has been taking up my time as well. Basically I just been busy.

Anyway, I got some things on my mind. Now, let me say everything I put on here is STRICTLY my opinions. You can take it or leave or do what the fuck you want with it. It's a free least that's what they say right?

Here we go:

What is wrong with some of this chicks out here? Dudes too. Having baby after baby. No job. No money. No nothing. I guess ya'll think it's cute. Being pregnant by some loser who can't even support himself. Now please don get it twisted...people make mistakes. Getting knocked up at a young age (even tho this is 100% preventable via various methods) and having to drop out of school and give up your adolencent years. I applaud anyone and everyone who has worked their asses off tho provide for their child. If you went back to school and got a diploma or degree. You get up and go to work every day. You don't leave your child with the first available friend or family member to run the streets. If you were smart enough to not have a 2nd or 3rd child when you couldn't even support teh first one. I applaud you.
Where is this coming from? Well, there is a certain someone out there (no names) who has 2 kids and one on the way. Mind you the 1st two are in foster care! WTF!!!! I mean really? Who the fuck loses two babies to child services and then has another one? That shit is retarded! If you or your man have no job, no stable home, no way to support yourself let a lone a child you shouldn't be reproducing.
Some of you are probably thinking 'what business of it is yours?'. Maybe none. But it's so sad to think of the babies being forced into this world and then torn from their families and tossed with strangers. It's not fair.
Whatever, I dont' feel like talking about this any more.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Winter Wonderland

So, its been snowing outside all day. It so beautiful! I love the snow.
I remember when my best friend and I were kids we would go out to the back of our building and play all day!
The two of us and our younger siblings would be soaking wet and freezing by the time we came upstairs.
We would have to undress in the hallway and then take hot showers!
Those were the days...
Making snow angels.
Throwing snowballs!
I miss being a kid.
If it wasn't almost 3 in the morning and I didn't have to work 2moro I'd be out there right now!
Here are a few pics.

Monday, February 2, 2009


This take you back doesn't it?
I remember reading the comics and watching the cartoon when I was younger.
The more I see this trailer the more excited I get.
I'm really hyped about seeing Marlon Waynes in something other than a comedy.
The only downside to this is it doesn't come out til august.
The upside? It's just b4 my birthday! Yay!

Snake Eyes (Love him! Even though he doesn't talk.)

Knowing is half the battle...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pittsburgh Does It!!

Pittsburgh 27 - Arizona 23.

This was a good game!
I was sad the Giants did make it to the Superbowl this year but it's all good. I'm glad the Steelers won (sorry Cardinal fans).
Santonio Homes (#10) did it for his team by making a 'tippy toe' touch down! If you freeze frame the exact moment his feet touched the ground I bet it would make a ballerina jealous! lol.
Oh! If you didn't watch the game you missed James Harrison (#92) make a 100 yard touch down! I mean...DAMN!!!!! It was the longest play in Superbowl history.
But Arizona shouldn't feel too bad. They did made it to the Superbowl. No one even expected them to be there. It was like...what???? :p

Jennifer Hudson sang the national anthem. She looked GOOD! And she sounded AMAZING!
Didn't pay too much attention to the half time show. Since Janet's boob made an appearance a few years ago, half time just hasn't been the same.

One of the best parts of the Superbowl (other than the game) is the commercials. I saw a few that were HELLA funny. This one was one of my favorites! SO FUNNY!

Here is a commercial that was banned from being aired during the superbowl.

I personally think they should have aired it. Its healthy and sexy! ;)

Anyway, both teams played a good game!


I had to add this pic in here. His name is Troy Polamalu (#43).
I just wanna run my fingers through his hair! Mmmmm!


Thursday, January 29, 2009


There are so many things wrong with this ghetto ass bitch...i don't even know where to begin.
1 - Her name is not Forever, its Foreva! (WTF?!?!)
2 - She says 'As soon as we left the show you was all up in this pussy!' (Really ma? How classy are you right now? Don't you realize your kids might see this one day?)

But I love...wait lemme repeat that...LOVE Maury! How can you not? It is so entertaining to me how these chicks come on the show (airing all their dirty laundry) and swear up and down that some dude is the father of their child. There are a few woman who say it and mean it and the dude is just being a dead beat trying to get out of the responsibilities of fatherhood. But the majority of these females sleep with like 3, 5 sometimes up to 20 dudes RAW in a short period of time then they randomly pick a name out of a hat a claim hes the father. Its hilarious!!!!! If your grown and want to do you that's fine...but wrap it up! Condoms do not cost that much money. Or get on the pill. Or something!! GOSH!!!
Bottom line is...Ladies, if you know you let 5 dudes bust up in you within a week don't swear (on national television mind you) that you are 1 billion % sure that one of them is the father. THERE IS NO WAY YOU KNOW 4 SURE!!!!
And don't think I forgot about the dudes. If you know that you went up in a chick bald head don't try to play her like your not the father. It's a possibility.
OH! And another thing that gets me is when the dude is poppin mad shit like 'She a hoe!', 'She a nasty bitch', 'I know 10 other dudes who can be the father of this baby'. This may be true. But what does that say about you? Why would you even wanna put man junk near her lady parts (lol)?
And another thing (when will this blog in you ask? when I'm effin done that's when!) chicks be like 'My baby doesn't need a father! I'm the mommy and the daddy' that PISSES me off! That shit is so ignorant. I believe every child should grow up in a 2 parent home. I mean granted, shit happens. Parents divorce, parents die, one of the parents choose to not be there, etc. These are things that are out of our control. But to sleep with so many dudes you don't know who the father of you child is??? And then say something like 'I glad he not the father!' or 'My baby don't need no daddy!' Is just beyond my comprehension.
All and all I will continue to laugh @ these silly hoes who need to come on the tv 5, 7, 14 times to find the father of their 3 children. Its funny. And its serious! This is a serious problem within many communities that can be solved with something as simple as a condom. But its mostly funny!

Seriously though....I feel bad for the babies.

Its still funny though....silly hoes!

Monday, January 26, 2009


I recently took a trip to the Camden Aquarium with my sisters and my niece and we had the BEST TIME!!!!!! That place is so awesome!!!! We saw and did so much. I touched a shark, jelly fish, sea cucumber and a sting ray! It was very exciting or 'freaky' as Tay kept saying.
It was a really fun day! The whole weekend was great! But the aquarium might have been the best part!

This was one of the coolest things that we saw. It is a jaw of the extinct Megalodon shark. If it were alive today it would have been able to eat a great white shark whole!!! Experts estimate this prehistoric creature to have been as long as a school bus (that's like 40-50 feet). The oldest remains of this species is 18 million years old and it is believed to have been extinct for 1.5 million years. It is possibly the largest shark to have ever lived.

This is my sister and my niece before we went into the aquarium. This place would be really nice when the weather is nicer. I'm new to this philly/south jersey thing so I am getting to know all the fun things to do!
FYI - That's center city in the background.

This is a real shark. I snapped this pic in the shark tunnel as it swam over my head. The shark tunnel was amazing. The sharks are on you left and your right and above you.

Tay & Ma'Kenzie touching a jellyfish.
They are a lot more solid then I thought they would be. But they
do feel just like jelly (go figure!)

Tay in the shark tunnel!
See all of them swimming behind her?
Oh! And get this, you can swim with the sharks!!!!
Tay & I said we would give this a try!

I touched a shark!

She touched a starfish!

Tay thought this bad boy right here was fake. (silly rabbit)

I love these lil' guys right here. They're Moon Jellyfish! They're beautiful.

If you live in the philly/jersey area I recommend you take a trip to this wonderland. There is so much to do and see. Don't think it's just a place for kids b/c I think my sister and I had more fun than my niece! lol.
But really this place is great. It would be a nice for a date (think outside the box people. taking your other half to the movies and red lobster is so high school!).
I think its important to go out and experience new things. Show your children there are other things than playing in the neighborhood park.
Educate yourself people!!!